6 good reasons to move


Last Updated on 2 months by David Bergmann

Are you facing the important decision of whether a move is an option for you? Perhaps you are currently looking for a new home or are thinking about moving house for professional or family reasons. Whether you already live in Switzerland or would like to move to Switzerland from another country such as Germany or Austria, there are many good reasons to consider a move. In this article, we will look at the most common reasons for moving and give you important tips for planning your move.

  1. New job in another city
  2. New addition to the family
  3. Problems with neighbors or the housing situation
  4. Lower rent and operating costs
  5. Moving in with your partner
  6. Change of place of residence

1. New job in another city

Changing jobs can be one of the most important reasons for relocating. If you have received an attractive job offer in another city, such as Zurich, a change of residence may be the right decision. This allows you to shorten your commute and have more time for leisure and family.

If you are currently looking for a new job and are open to expanding your search radius to other cities or cantons in Switzerland, you should not forget to look for accommodation in addition to your job search. Because it often takes a lot of lead time to find a new home near your workplace that meets your requirements and is also affordable.

Tip: If you need or want to move for professional reasons, we recommend the following article: Moving for the job: how to save time and money!

2. An addition to the family

The arrival of a new family member may also necessitate a move. If your family is growing and you don’t have enough space in your current home, it may be time to consider a larger home. Moving into a larger apartment not only offers more space, but also a better living situation and quality of life for your family.

Bear in mind that your rental costs can increase enormously when you move to a larger apartment. It is therefore often worth looking for interesting rental properties in the areas surrounding larger cities. You can often get much more living space for less money in urban or rural areas.

3. Problems with neighbors or the housing situation

Sometimes problems with neighbors or an unpleasant living environment make you long for a new home. Perhaps your current apartment is too small or the noise pollution in your neighborhood is too high. If you have already taken steps to improve your situation (e.g. talking to your neighbors or landlord) and this has not been successful, moving house may be the solution to improve your quality of life.

4. Lower rent and operating costs

In Switzerland, rental and operating costs are often high, especially in large cities such as Zurich. If you are looking for ways to reduce your monthly expenses, moving to a smaller apartment, a different neighborhood or a city with a lower cost of living can be a good option.

5. Moving in with your partner

Moving in with your partner can be an exciting step in your relationship. In many cases, this also means moving to a new home that is suitable for both of you. This step can strengthen your relationship and create a new home for both of you.

6. Change of place of residence

Sometimes you simply feel the need for a change. Moving to a new city or a different area can bring fresh energy into your life. You can explore new places, meet new people and broaden your horizons. A new place of residence can also offer the opportunity to try out new hobbies or activities.

If you decide to move, there are a few important tips you should bear in mind:

  • Planning your move: Plan your move in advance and make a detailed list of all the tasks that need to be done. This will help you to organize the move smoothly. Of course, our virtual relocation assistant will be happy to help you!
    Tip: The ultimate checklist for planning your move can be found here .
  • Moving company: In many cases, it is advisable to hire a moving company to carry out the move efficiently and more quickly. You should definitely compare several offers from different companies in order to find the best price/performance ratio.

Tip: Don’t feel like contacting several moving companies and laboriously obtaining quotes? Then simply use the inquiry form of our partner MoveAgain. In just a few minutes, you will receive an offer tailored to your needs at the fixed and best price.

  • House hunting: Start looking for a new apartment early. Pay attention to the apartment size and location to make sure it meets your needs.
  • Commute: Consider the distance between your new home and your workplace to make sure the commute is acceptable for you.


Moving house can be an exciting and positive change in your life. Whether for professional reasons, due to an addition to the family or simply to start a new phase of life, the decision to move into a new home should be well thought out. Remember to carefully weigh up the most important reasons for your move and plan your move thoroughly. This way you can ensure that your move is a successful and enjoyable step in your life.

To make your move as stress-free and smooth as possible, we recommend our “Checklist for a relaxed move” .

We wish you every success with your move and your new life in Switzerland!

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