5 tips for your Last-minute move


Last Updated on 2 months by David Bergmann

Unfortunately, sometimes life doesn’t play out the way we want it to. Whether it’s a tempting new job offer or a separation, you’re suddenly faced with the challenge of a last-minute move! Time is short and the mere sight of the moving list brings beads of sweat to your forehead. But don’t worry: with the right organization, even a last-minute move will work out! We’ve put together a few tips and tricks for you to make sure that even a last-minute move goes smoothly!

  1. All good things…
  2. Let us help you!
  3. Set up mail forwarding
  4. Order packaging material online
  5. Clearing out & declutter

1. All good things…

…start with a Checklist ! There’s a lot to do when moving house and you can lose track of things – especially if you have to do it quickly! To prevent this from happening to you, we advise you to create a checklist with the most important tasks before, during and after the move. Alternatively, you can simply sort the tasks by date in an Excel sheet.

Don’t know where to start? Click here to download our ultimate Moving checklist!

2. Get help!

Whether it’s a professional moving company or voluntary helpers from your circle of friends, moving together is quicker, easier and more relaxed than moving on your own. Be aware that you don’t have to do everything on your own. Whether packing household goods, clearing out old dust collectors or labeling moving boxes: Every extra pair of hands is worth its weight in gold on a moving day scheduled at short notice!

To save you the time-consuming search for a moving company and the tedious comparison of offers, we recommend our partner MoveAgain. Once you have entered your details in the booking form, the algorithm automatically calculates the best price for your request. Within a few minutes you will receive an offer that you can book directly online. Tip: Benefit from a one-off special discount on your first booking!

3. Set up mail forwarding

Address changes can take a lot of time. Nevertheless, you don’t want to miss an important letter or parcel. A forwarding order is therefore highly recommended for a spontaneous move!

For a small fee, Swiss Post will automatically send all letters to your new address. You can also order parcels to be redirected (usually for an additional charge).

Another service offered by Swiss Post is the so-called “relocation notification”. In doing so, you allow your previous contractual partners (e.g. health insurance, insurance companies, energy suppliers, etc.) to request your new address from the relocation file of your local post office.

New: About the Relock relocation assistant, you can now notify all contractual partners of your change of address in just a few minutes. Click here for the most comprehensive and simple change of address service in Switzerland!

4. Order packaging material online

If you’re already pressed for time, you probably don’t want to go shopping for moving boxes, bubble wrap and packing paper. Nowadays you can order almost anything online and compare prices from different suppliers!

If you are unsure how many moving boxes you need, we recommend the following article: How many moving boxes do I need?

Many moving companies also offer the delivery of packing materials as an additional moving service.

If you want to save some money and conserve resources, we recommend that you either borrow reusable moving boxes (e.g. from Leihbox) or ask your friends and acquaintances if anyone has boxes or packing material at home that they no longer need.

Tip: You can find out the most efficient way to pack your moving boxes here .

5. Clearing out & decluttering

Even if it’s difficult, sometimes it makes sense to part with things. Think carefully about which possessions you actually still need and use and which you should get rid of.

Thoroughly decluttering will save you time when packing and transporting, you will need fewer moving boxes and you will feel more comfortable in your new home because you have more space.

You should also measure your new home before you move in and think about what furniture will fit in your new home. This gives you enough time to sell or give away furniture that doesn’t fit before you move.

You also avoid additional costs for packing materials and moving helpers, as all the cleared items no longer need to be transported.


When moving at short notice, good organization and planning are paramount. The aim is to make your moving day and the handover as stress-free as possible without your moving costs getting out of hand. If you prepare well for your move and organize packing materials, moving help, moving vans and the final cleaning for your old apartment in good time, nothing will stand in the way of a successful move!

Image by gpointstudio on Freepik

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