How many moving boxes do I need?


Last Updated on 2 months by David Bergmann

Even if it is possible to move without moving boxes, it is much easier and more efficient to move with them. Now you are probably asking yourself the questions: “How many moving boxes do I need?” and: “How much fits in a moving box”? In the following article, you’ll find out how to determine the right number of moving boxes for your move!

  1. How big is a moving box?
  2. What types of boxes are there?
  3. How many moving boxes do I need?

1. How big is a moving box?

This depends on where you buy the box and what type of moving box it is (extra durable box for books, tableware box, clothing box, etc.).

The dimensions of most cardboard moving boxes are between 40 and 70 cm long and 30 and 40 cm wide, and the height is also between 30 and 40 cm. Depending on its size, a moving box has a capacity of between 40 and 100 liters.

Boxes for books are usually smaller boxes at around 40 cm long and 30 cm wide, while moving boxes for clothes are among the largest boxes at around 60 cm long and 50 cm wide.
Most boxes can carry a maximum load of 20 kilos, but it is advisable not to exceed the 15 kilo limit to stay on the safe side.

2. What types of boxes are there?

Cardboard is not cardboard, as you will soon realize when you get to grips with the subject. Of course it is possible to transport all your household goods in standard boxes, but it is not ideal. For example, if you transport your books in a normal box without a reinforced base, it could break apart during transportation in the worst case scenario.

To get your moving goods from A to B as safely as possible, we recommend the following moving boxes:

  • Glass cartons/dish cartons: With extra inserts or dividers to prevent the crockery from colliding and breaking.
  • Book boxes: Slightly smaller than standard boxes, but more resilient thanks to the reinforced base.
  • Dress boxes: These boxes conveniently have an integrated clothes stand and are particularly suitable for suits and evening dresses that require special protection.
  • Picture boxes: Valuable pictures and paintings are best protected in special picture boxes. It’s best to wrap them in bubble wrap beforehand so that nothing can go wrong.
  • File boxes: If you have a lot of folders and files because you work from home, for example, you should get special file boxes. Like the book boxes, these have a double bottom and handle reinforcement.

3. How many moving boxes do I need?

There is a lot to organize and prepare before the move and part of this planning is buying or ordering moving boxes.

How many moving boxes do I need?

Before you do this, you should definitely determine the right number of moving boxes you need. After all, you don’t want to end up with too few boxes on moving day! On the other hand, you don’t want to pay for boxes that you don’t actually need.

As justified as this question is, it is not easy to answer. This is because the number of moving boxes depends on various factors:

  • Number of rooms
  • Square meters of living space
  • Number of residents/family members
  • Years of residence
  • Volume of household contents / number of possessions
  • Packing technique (how efficiently is the moving box packed)
  • Cellar/attic available

A minimalist will generally need far fewer boxes than a collector (“hoarder”). A multi-person household with children (and lots of toys) will have to buy a lot more moving boxes than a single household.

There are various methods for determining the number of moving boxes:

Calculation by person

For a one-person household, you can use the following table as a guide:

  • WG room: approx. 10-15 boxes
  • Single household (1-2 rooms): approx. 25-30 boxes

If your household consists of several residents or family members, you can calculate around 20-25 moving boxes per person, and around 10-15 boxes for babies and small children.

As a general rule , the more people living in a household, the fewer boxes you will need per person.

Calculation by square meters

Another way to calculate the number of moving boxes needed is per square meter.

You can use the following formula:

Calculate 1 moving box per square meter of living space.

Provided, of course, that you store all your household goods in cardboard boxes and not in other containers (e.g. plastic bags). However, you will often also use suitcases, shopping bags and laundry baskets for transportation and therefore need fewer boxes.

If you own an unusually large amount of household goods, you can multiply by a factor of 1.2-1.5 per square meter. If you are a minimalist and your possessions are therefore quite manageable, you can expect 0.5 to 0.8 per box per square meter.

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